Monday, June 4, 2007

Accountability - Younger players please read this

My lesson today is about....... no your not at school, but I do hope this post helps you in your everyday life as well as Runescape.

Accountability, if you do not know what it means enter the following text into your Google search box, define: accountability .

It is very easy to blame other people for your actions or problems, for example the most common and these are so common you hear about them everyday on Runescape, I got hacked, I got scammed, that player got me killed.

When you play Runescape you are in control of a character and an account, it is your responsibility to keep both safe.

If you tell someone your password even a very close and trusted friend there is a chance you will have an argument and a very good chance your ex friend will tell others your password just to upset you, you then stand a chance of losing your items or your account.

In this situation you could say that your friend hacked you, if you had not told them your password they would not have hacked you so it is your fault not your friends or ex friends.

It is not easy to hack or crack an account despite what people say so if your account is stolen it is because you told someone your password, or your password was easy to guess, it is your responsibility to have a difficult password to guess.

Many people say I was scammed and lost items, it is not the scammers fault it is still your fault, Jagex give you all the tools to prevent being scammed, when you trade you have a second trade screen you should check it every time, check the item and the quantity every time you trade, get into this habit and you will NEVER be scammed, I am so used to doing this that I check even trading with friends that I trust.

"That player got me killed" no player can get you killed, if you go down with the mole in Fally park and a player asks you to turn off the light if you turn off the light you will get eaten by insects, if you die the player asking you to turn off the light did not get you killed, you got yourself killed by turning off the light, there used to be a situation where people asked you to get the Zammy wine and they would give you a reward, taking the wine without using telegrab you would be attacked by the wizards there and a good chance of death, it was still your responsibility to make sure it was safe before doing something so you got yourself killed, this has changed now and it is very difficult to get yourself killed there now but bad players will still find ways of encouraging you to kill yourself.

If in doubt about anything on Runescape go with the minimum of items to see if it is safe, if you are offered something for doing a simple task be careful and don't take anything you don't want to lose.

If you have trouble understanding this please leave a comment and I or any of the other clan members will try to explain it better.

Don't worry many adults have trouble being accountable for their actions as well, yes many adults like to blame others for their faults and problems but the successful ones such as Richard Branson and most of the millionaires who have worked for their wealth treat any failures as their own fault, if a business has failed because the staff were not good enough at their job it is easy to blame the staff, is it not the fault of the management for not picking the correct staff or not training them adequately? no its the fault of the man at the top for not picking the correct management to pick the correct staff and arrange training.

Take responsibility for your actions and you will keep your items and your account, you might even become a millionaire in real life.
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